Friday, 13 June 2014

It's already working. Also, if you're scarred by that other picture of me, here's a better one.

I almost couldn't eat cake today. I've had a biscuit, one piece of chocolate and later made custard to have with two last slices of cake. I spent the entire day picturing my disgusting. waist so that helped put me off. Plus it's the first time in I don't know how long where I didn't have chocolate for breakfast!

When I was having the cake and custard I felt disgusting. This means I got somewhere today! Yay me! Hopefully I'll finally stop binge eating. I hate myself for doing it. It makes me feel even more disgusted with myself than I usually am.

So here's the picture of my thin self. Well, when I say thin I mean the slimmest I've ever been.

Bad quality. Sorry. It was taken 5 months ago and thankfully it's the weight I've somehow managed to maintain despite all the binge eating I've been doing in the last few months.

For those who haven't got a clue as to what I'm talking about, here's the other picture of me.

1 comment:

  1. For every piece of chocolate or cake you don't eat, i'll eat an extra piece!!! Chocolate is so good!!!
