Thursday, 30 January 2014

Just a note on my posts

Currently feeling somewhat sane (read: depressive yet rational).

Many of my melancholic posts are/will be written during my depressive episodes. I feel obliged to mention that I'm not always like that, it's only when I'm alone or left to my self or when I'm experiencing that "in a crowd yet still feel aloneness" sort of thing. I've had a few emails from some of you stating your concern(s) and I can't help but thank you enough for it -- it's so much more than my own family and friends do so thank you for showing me some hope in this desolate world I'm living.

There might be some posts from when I'm "happy" (or experiencing mania). I highly doubt there will be a lot of these.

I'm writing this post out of concern for those of you who are concerned for me. Don't be. I'm simply an individual experiencing mental illness. It's nothing more than that. Shit happens, I'm just glad that I'm [often] a rational person who cares for her family's needs more than hers so no matter what shit she gets herself into, she aims to come back out of it alive for their sake. Everything I did before Boyfriend (will be doing an FAQ on him soon) came into the picture was for them. It was only after we both started getting closer (end of 2012) that I started "acting out", and of course, for those of you who have read my posts thus far, it was after my break up with him that I spiralled completely out of control that I started working as a call girl.

Getting back to my point, it's fine. Everything's fine. I'm just another human living just another life going through issues and ordeals. In the words of Moriarty:

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